
Ophthalmology Home Specialities Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Facilities Available: Refraction Glaucoma screening and evaluation-Tonomely Retina screening and evaluation-Opthalmoscopy Cataract and antiglaucoma surgery-operative microscopes and instruments Treatment modalities: Refraction and general ophthalmology Screening…

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Neuro Surgery

Neuro Surgery Home Specialities Neuro Surgery Neuro Surgery The hand-in-hand working of Emergency Specialists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Neurosurgeons, Spine Surgeons, Plastic Surgeons, Oral & Faciomaxillary Surgeons, ensure that poly trauma patients…

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Neurology Home Specialities Neurology Neurology Best Neurology Hospital in Coimbatore.The Centre for Neurosciences at NG Multi Speciality Hospital (one of the best neurology hospitals in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India) provides the…

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Cardiology Home Specialities Cardiology Cardiology The Cardiology department at NG Multi Speciality Hospital(one of the best heart hospitals in Coimbtore,Tamilnadu, India) is a committed centre offering state-of-the-art comprehensive cardiac care…

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