Emergency Medicine
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Emergency Medicine
Accidental and Emergency Hospital in Coimbatore
A sudden fatal injury or accident can destroy lives. A medical emergency is an injury or illness that is acute and poses an immediate risk to a person’s life requiring instant assistance and help from professionals, which may involve multiple levels of care & treatment.
NG Multi Speciality Hospital introduces a 24×7 Accidental and Emergency Centre – the largest in the city – which promises to consider each & every human life equally precious and make sure to be present at any given medical emergency.
All critical clinical services including CT, Ultrasound, X-Ray, Laboratories, and Emergency Transportation services are in close proximity to the department. The Department is manned round-the-clock by highly experienced and trained professionals, supported by the entire range of Speciality Services including trauma teams, cardiac units, and reconstructive and rehabilitative groups with highly skilled technicians and nurses to ensure the shortest turnaround time for diagnosis and treatment planning of the trauma patients, saving those critical moments which can be life-threatening for the patients, if not managed well.
We are the pioneers in modern day emergency care.
Providing international standard care in the field of Emergency and Trauma care 24 hours x 365 days. Protocol based approach and management of all types of emergency care.
Nationally and internationally known experts in endoscopy and gastroenterology are at your service to treat all types of ailments related to gastro intestinal system.

Pre – Hospital Trauma and Emergency Medical Care
- Easy access by dialling direct Emergency phone number – 0422
- Emergency phone number – 0422
- Well equipped ambulance services with state of art facilities including ACLS ( Advanced cardiac life support) and ATLS ( Advanced trauma life support)
- Manned by well trained paramedics qualified in dealing all pre-hospital trauma & emergencies
- Doctors on wheels for pre-hospital care
In – Hospital Trauma and Emergency Care
- Internationally standardized emergency room with advanced emergency care equipments like latest defibrillators with AED ( Automated external defibrillators), Multipara-monitors, centralized suction facilities, advanced ventilators, modernized multifunction ER cots, apparatus to deal all kinds of difficult airways.
- Availability of qualified emergency medical officers round the clock to tackle all kind of emergencies.
- Our paramedics, staff nurses and medical officers are trained in BLS & ACLS.
- Our hospital has Advanced poison care centre ( toxicology) to manage all kinds of poisonous victims.
- We have separate intensive care unit for all trauma & medical emergencies attached to the ER ( EICU)
- Our A&E Department is headed by qualified emergency physician
- Consists of high quality experts ( Consultants) in the field of Adult Interventions
- Accident & emergency medicine
- Orthopaedics & traumatology
- Neurology & neurosurgery
- Nephrology & urology
- Cardiology & cardiothorasic surgery
- Trauma surgery & plastic surgery
- Gasteroentrology & hepatology
- Surgical oncology & medical oncology
- Paediatric & neonatology
- General medicine & dermatology
- Pulmonology & critical care
- Anaesthesia
- Radiology & imaging sciences
- Orol and maxillofacial surgery
Our entire emergency team is rich in hands on experience and fully committed to patients care.